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Here you will find information on our publications like GNSS Aided Navigation and Tracking, Integrated Aircraft Navigation and links to our published articles.
Dr. Farrell has many decades of experience in this subject area; in the words of one reviewer, the book is “teeming with insights that are hard to find or unavailable elsewhere.”
An engineer and instructor, Farrell has made a number of contributions to multiple facets of navigation. He is also the author of Integrated Aircraft Navigation (1976; five hard cover printings; now in paperback) plus over 100 journal or conference manuscripts and various columns.
Frequent aiding-source updates, in applications that require precise velocity rather than extreme precision in position, enables integration to be simplified. All aspects of integration are covered, all the way from raw measurement pre-processing to final 3-D position/velocity/attitude, with far more thorough backup and integrity provisions. Extensive experimental results illustrate the attainable accuracies (cm/s RMS velocities in three-dimensions) during flight under extreme vibration.
This new book provides several flight-validated formulations and algorithms not currently in use because of their originality. Considerable opportunity is therefore offered in multiple areas including
Discussion of these traits can be seen in the excerpt (over 100 pages) from the link at the top of this page.
GNSS Aided Navigation & Tracking
– Inertially Augmented or Autonomous
By James L. Farrell
American Literary Press. 2007. Hardcover. 280 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1-56167-979-9
This text offers concise guidance on integrating inertial sensors with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers and other aiding sources. Primary focus is on low-cost inertial measurement units (IMUs) with frequent updates, but other functions (e.g., tracking in numerous modes) and sensors (e.g., radar) are also addressed.
Price is: $100.00 Plus Shipping
(Sales Tax for Maryland residents only)
This book, written just as GPS was emerging from its experimental stage, supplies fundamental theory and development useful for those not yet immersed in satellite and/or inertial navigation. After five hard cover printings it is now available in paperback. Abundant commendations were received from courses I taught with this book in the 1980s and 1990s but, in preference to older endorsements, the following — much later — testimonials from Profs. H.B. Hablani (1; IIT Bombay) and Xin Zhang, (2; Shanghai Jiao Tong University) are quoted here:
1. “I find your book Integrated Aircraft Navigation awesome. The more I read it the more admiration I develop for it. It’s math is precise, concise, clear,and applications to real life are illuminating and fascinating. I wonder if you had worked on this subject for decades before writing this book.”
2. “Compared to other treatments of the topics, this book is really well written, full of insights, both in INS navigation and integration … The problems are also very instructive and helpful and may well fit for classroom use even in these days … I myself will adopt it for my MSc and PhD students ”
Below is a growing list of my published journal and conference articles, plus a summary description for each, with printing errors and unwanted changes from editors noted for your viewing.
Publication List –
click here
Errata and Discussion – click here
Some Conference and Symposium papers (not including those written before desktop publishing became commonplace, also excluding coauthored papers not resident on my computer and those with copyrights now owned by Journals – e.g., (ION, IEEE, or ATC) can be downloaded from links below.
Robust Design for GNSS Integration – click here
Aging SV’s – We Have Solutions – click here
Unfinished Business – click here
Interfacing – click here
Sensor Fusion – click here
Fusion is a much stronger operation than multisensor integration!
Links to other similar manuscripts appear among blog posts on this site. Additional writings, including columns and some unpublished work, will be added in the future.