An engineer and former university instructor, Farrell has made a number of contributions to multiple facets of navigation. He is also the author of Integrated Aircraft Navigation (1976; five hard cover printings; now in paperback) plus over a hundred journal or conference manuscripts and various columns. Frequent aiding-source updates, in applications that require precise velocity rather than extreme precision in position, enables integration to be simplified. All aspects of integration are covered, all the way from raw measurement pre-processing to final 3-D position/velocity/attitude, with far more thorough backup and integrity provisions. Extensive experimental results illustrate the attainable accuracies (cm/s RMS velocities in three-dimensions) during flight under extreme vibration.
This book provides several flight-validated formulations and algorithms, in use but not yet widely because of their originality. Considerable opportunity is therefore offered in multiple areas including:
It is our hope that you will find the new redesigned mobile website more informative and user friendly than our past one. Our intention is to offer visitors a fast loading, mobile ready, intuitive navigation and informative environment with not only factual and intense researched documents but video-driven information covering a broad spectrum of topics in specific areas including navigation, communication, data integrity, and tracking, applying modern estimation to data from various sources (COMM, gyros, accelerometers, GPS/GNSS, radar, optical, etc.). Another area, shape deformation analysis in 3-D, offers medical imaging advances plus early notification for earthquakes and infrastructure collapse as well.
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